Soon we will be launching our first, full-scale production. White Lights is a story, a spectacle, and an experiential ode to eternity.


The afterlife is one of the essential stories of humanity. Our team of artists and composers will be converting a once abandoned gilded age mansion into an aesthetic experience of eternity, via sight, sound, and immersive performance.

The worlds we create are meant to be touched, explored, and inhabited. You, our guests, make the experience come alive. The energy of this production is set to feel like the best slice of nightlife living within a lush cinematic world.

Throughout the day and night small groups of guests will enter our world and explore a mix of deeply articulated sets and massive scale light installations, all with interactive elements and shareable moments.

The experience is designed to be explored for around two hours, with the option of continuing into the lounge with cocktails into the late night.

This is a story, a spectacle, and an experiential ode to eternity.

This is the story of White Lights.


Every month we are bringing a troop from our community up to The Manor to explore the concept with us. Interested? Get in touch.

William Etundi Jr.